Bitirme Projesi Konuları


EE4x97 ve EE4x98 kodu ile Bitirme Projesi derslerini alacak Lisans öğrencilerimiz, altta verilen konu başlıklarından birini seçerek Danışmanlarını belirleyebilirler. Listede verilen konu başlıklarını öneren Danışman Öğretim Üyemiz ile iletişime geçmeleri gerekmektedir. 

Ancak Ders seçimi sırasında ilk olarak Bölüm başkanımız Gökhan Bora Esmer Hocanın şubesine kayıt yaptıracaklardır. Ardından Add-Drop haftasının sonuna kadar öğrencilerin danışman belirleyerek danışmanları ile birlikte alttaki Tez Öneri Formu ve Gantt Chart'ı doldurmaları gerekmektedir.

Tez Öneri Formu
Gantt Chart

Danışman Hocalar onayladıkları Tez Öneri formlarını bölüm başkanlığına doğrudan veya Canan Hanım (M4-245) vasıtasıyla teslim etmelidir.

Her Hocamıza en fazla 10 öğrencilik kota ayrılmıştır. 

Add-Drop Haftası sonuna kadar danışmanı belirlenmemiş öğrenciler, az sayıda bitirme ödevi öğrencisi olan hocalarımıza yönlendirilebilir.


Advisor Prof. Dr. Gökhan Bora Esmer
1 Driver position and driving status estimation from a stereo camera and a couple of HD cameras
2 Calculation of three-dimensional models for kidney, liver, or lung from CT or MRI images. Then generation of image processing tool that can operate on the 3D model
3 Reducing the noise on in-line holograms by using machine learning methods
4 Classification of blood cells (white and red) from in-axis holograms by using machine learning methods
5 A topic offered by the student


Advisor Prof. Dr. Osman Kılıç
1 Pollution and climate security
2 Energy generation and Storage
3 Solar PV and Solar resources
4 Wind energy
5 Grid integration
6 Battery energy Storage systems
7 Renewable energy systems
8 A topic offered by the student


Advisor Prof. Dr. Mustafa Onat
1 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based sliding mode control for trajectory tracking of autonomous vehicles.
2 Modeling and Control of Regenerative Braking Systems in Electric Vehicles
3 Control of Periodically Referenced Systems with Harmonic Control Arrays (HCA)
4 Artificial Intelligence-Based Robotic Arm Position Control
5 A topic offered by the student.


Advisor Prof. Dr. Cabir Vural
  click here to open the proposal.


Advisor Doç. Dr. Onur Cihan (Sabbatical Leave)


Advisor Doç. Dr. Fulya Çallıalp
1 RF Power Measurements (with TÜBİTAK scholarship)
2 RF Key Quantities for 6G Development (with TÜBİTAK scholarship)
3 Development of Digital Calibration Certificate (with TÜBİTAK scholarship)
4 Biological effects of electromagnetic field studies on human tissues
5 RF and LF Electromagnetic Measurements
6 Prototype studies on lung performance
7 A topic offered by the student


Advisor Doç. Dr. Engin Maşazade
1 Topics on Target tracking in wireless sensor network
2 Topics on Drone Navigation
3 Topics on Reinforcement Learning.
4 Topics on Communication Network analysis and simulation
5 A topic offered by the student


Advisor Dr. Muhammad Alsunaidi
  click here to open the proposal.


Advisor Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Salih Bayar


Advisor Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Yunus Dursun
1 Developing a target tracking system using a Raspberry Pi.
2 Developing an OFDMA-NOMA communication system using a Software Defined Radio
3 Implementation of a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) protocol on a Software Defined Radio
4 Developing an optimal target annihilation algorithm
5 Smart farm automation system using IoT for Efficient Management
6 A project offered by a student


Advisor Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ahmet Unutulmaz
1 Analog Circuit Design: Design and simulation of analog circuits such as Voltage Amplifiers, TIAs, etc.
2 Mixed Signal Circuits: Design and simulation of mixed-signal circuits, such as memories, PLLs, etc.
3 IoT Applications: Any application of the Internet of Things. Both hardware and software implementation are required.
4 Embedded Systems: Any application of embedded systems. Both hardware and software implementation are required.
5 Processor Design: A RISC-V processor design and verification on FPGA.
6 A topic offered by the student


Advisor Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Alparslan Zehir
1 Mass Energy Management of Electric Medium and Heavy Vehicles (Buses, Minibuses, Trucks, etc.) Fleets in Different Usage Situations (Urban Public Transportation, Work-School Bus, Municipal Services, Cargo Distribution, Private Transportation, Intercity and International Logistics)
2 Cyber ​​Security of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Infrastructures of Autonomous Ships
3 Optimizing Multi-Services of Grid-Scale Batteries in Energy Communities
4 Coordination of Interactions across Multiple Energy Communities
5 Optimization of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Services for Electric Medium and Heavy Vehicles
6 A topic offered by the student


Advisor Öğretim Görevlisi Şakir Bingöl
1 Artificial Intelligence
2 Artificial Intelligence usage in Economy
3 Artificial Intelligence in Energy Management
4 Renewable Energies
5 Smart Grids
6 Micro Grids
Optimization Algorithms in Energy Distribution
A topic offered by the student



Bu sayfa Electrical and Electronics Engineering tarafından en son 02.10.2024 14:00:58 tarihinde güncellenmiştir.